Last prophet

"The Last Prophet" ( The Last messenger ) redirects here. ]].

The term Last Prophet is used in religious contexts to refer to the last person through whom God speaks, after which there is to be no other.



The phrase, Last Prophet, is used primarily in Islam, where it refers to Muhammad, whom Muslims hold to be the final prophet in the monotheistic Abrahamic tradition. In contrast to mainstream Islam, Muhammad is referred to the Seal of the Prophets according to tradition.

There are 25 prophets mentioned by name in the Qur'an, although Muslims believe that there were many more in different times and places before the "Last Prophet, Syedana Mohammad". Among the prophets that Muslims honor are:

NB: Names with (*) on the end were 'Messengers'.


Classical Judaism teaches that there will be no prophet greater than Moses, and all the other prophets mentioned in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) were inferior to Moses and his prophecies. This was enunciated by Maimonides in the Jewish principles of faith about the status of Moses:

Moses was superior to all prophets, whether they preceded him or arose afterwards. Moses attained the highest possible human level. He perceived God to a degree surpassing every human that ever existed... God spoke to all other prophets through an intermediary. Moses alone did not need this; this is what the Torah means when God says "Mouth to mouth, I will speak to him. (The Siddur.)

The last of the twelve minor prophets (canonically) (and the final book of the Christian Old Testament) is commonly attributed to a prophet by the name of Malachi.

Other religions

Other religious traditions have used this or similar terms. Mani, founder of the Persian faith Manichaeism, also claimed to be the Seal of the Prophets and the last prophet.

In Mandaeanism, John the Baptist is considered the last prophet.


Mahavira is also claimed to be the last prophet in a series of 24 Tirthankars.